
Our story

We are on a quest to make software delivery intelligently better, faster and greener.

Our story

We are on a quest to make software delivery intelligently better, faster and greener.

We take quality very seriously

Over the years we, and our fellows at founding partner Praegus, have run and analyzed thousands of tests. Together we have improved countless test scripts and built some of the most efficient test sets. We have also helped to deliver hundreds of new software builds and deployments at the best software companies in Europe.

Nowadays software delivery has to be more efficient and sustainable to stay ahead of the market. Continuous integration and continuous delivery are the norms to deliver software faster.
While automated testing ensured a big leap in reducing the time spent on testing and speeding things up, it quickly became apparent that the growth of automated testing created new challenges.

To begin, test sets are becoming bigger and bigger, slowing down the delivery cycle. Hardly any automated tests are deleted or made redundant, because companies don’t want to risk anything.

We take quality very seriously

Secondly, in most large organizations, its common that different teams work with different test tools, scripts and sets. Making it almost impossible to give a good assessment of the overall quality of the software.

That got us thinking.

How can we make automatic testing smart? How can we ensure that we only test what really needs to be tested? And how can we test better without losing track of what already has been achieved?

Orangebeard is our answer.
Orangebeard is an intelligent SaaS platform that provides actionable insights into the quality of the software and helps you understand, control and manage your entire quality process. Allowing you to optimize the testing cycle and speed up your continuous delivery pipeline without increasing risk. 


The name of... Orangebeard

Orangebeard is named after the King of the Netherlands.
Besides the fact that orange is our national color, the King has an orange beard as well. This beard has become iconic for our country. After all, we are proud Dutch innovators and wanted to bring our origins back into the name. So, there we all are.