
Mastering the world’s software quality

Shorten and simplify the test cycle and deliver high-quality software in a glance by using machine learning.

Full insight
for full impact

Shorten and simplify the test cycle and deliver high-quality software in a glance by using machine learning.


Save time & costs


Reduce carbon footprint


Predict and test smarter


Works with all test & CI tools

Focus on what matters most

Probably 80% of your tests are insignificant. Don’t run all your tests over and over again. We predict, prioritize and minimize your tests per change by using your data to find the 20% of tests that affect your pipeline the most.

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Orangebeard helps developers, testers and product development leaders gain in-depth insight into software quality in real-time and optimizes resources to accelerate software delivery.

These companies are already testing smarter


Intelligence that speeds up!

With Orangebeard, your testing will get smarter and faster with every test. The artificial intelligence allows you to speed up your software releases in your automated pipeline up to 80%.

Orangebeard’s AI learns from your test results data and recognizes:

  • bugs, environment issues and test failures
  • trends in failure reasons
  • the maturity level of your test environment
  • which tests are associated with code changes check-ins
  • security vulnerabilities

With all that data, Orangebeard‘s intelligence helps you select and run the best test sets for the next deployment. Completely automated!

Convincing facts

0 %

Faster fail finding

0 %

Time saved in test runs

0 %

Faster time to market


Operational benefits




QA Engineers​



Realize maximum efficiency across your organization

With Orangebeard, you don’t need to go through all those test reports to find your data and understand what has happened. You can view all your test reports in one consistent format on your dashboard, readable for everyone. Making it super easy to understand and report on what has happened. Now, every team member will be able to collaborate and fasten your software delivery.

Say goodbye to time-consuming and repetitive tasks

See in a flash what tests are required to release without risk. Maximize your testing capacity by freeing up your testers’ time for maximum quality and efficiency in the time you have available.

Get better insights for projects and teams

See trends in how your software performs and evolves through your workspaces dashboard.

Start smarter testing today